Our sustainable business strategy

Pavel Závitkovský

Pavel Závitkovský

Partner in charge of corporate social responsibility

"In the field of corporate responsibility, 2014 was both inspirational and successful. We extended the training we offer to non-profit organisations to also include topics important for social businesses and also expanded our sphere of activity to Moravia. All training courses are organised through our educational centre, the KPMG Business Institute.

In corporate social responsibility we let our employees play an even greater role as we want them to actively create our programmes with us. We successfully launched a new expert volunteer programme linked to the personal development of talented employees.

I am also excited that our first CSR report, issued last year, placed second in the Responsible Reporting category in the 2014 TOP Responsible Company awards.

In the near future we would like to focus even more on responsible procurement and engage non-profit and social business suppliers to an even greater extent.

I believe that the right CSR strategy closely linked to the effects of our business on society, the economy and the environment will help us adapt our business to the current global challenges and move closer towards the sustainability of our business."

Groups in dialogue with us

We actively look for dialogue opportunities with our stakeholders on the impacts of our business on society, the economy and the environment. We are in continuous contact with the individual groups and closely cooperate with them on a number of topics crucial for sustainable entrepreneurship.

Among our stakeholders are:

  • Clients

    • We conduct regular client satisfaction surveys, have personal client meetings, organise expert conferences and other events for them where we can discuss our mutual cooperation.
    • We actively communicate through our website and social networks.
    • We prepare regular information materials about events in our firm and on the services we offer.
    • We actively cooperate with the media and our experts are often featured.
    • Our clients put heightened emphasis on the following responsible business topics: ethics and transparency, quality of services and risk management (confidentiality of information, independence), education and training.
    Means of communication
    Regular survey of satisfaction
    Personal meetings
    Expert conferences and other events
    Web sites
    Social networks
    Crucial topics
    Ethics and transparency
    Education and training
    Quality of services and risk management
  • KPMG employees and partners

    • We are continuously in touch with our employees via internal communication channels, employee events and training courses at work.
    • Through the annual Global People Survey (GPS), we survey employee satisfaction, their opinions and needs.
    • Within the MyPD programme (My Performance Development), regular performance reviews aimed at work performance and personal development take place.
    • We also meet in project groups and have group meetings involving entire departments.
    • We regularly issue Echo, an internal magazine, informing our employees about key management decisions, the firm's performance, fascinating projects and social and sports events in which our colleagues participated.
    • The firm's intranet is also an important communication tool.
    • Important topics include education and training, employee care, the working environment, diversity and our local communities.
    Means of communication
    GPS (Global People Survey) – annual employee satisfaction survey
    MyPD – regular performance reviews
    Project groups
    Group meetings
    Internal magazine Echo
    Social events
    Sport groups
    Crucial topics
    Education and training
    Employee care
    Working environment
    Local communities
  • Potential employees

    • We meet people interested in working for our firm by participating in all major job fairs. One of them is the Big4Day, a job fair organised jointly with other Big 4 advisory firms.
    • We actively communicate with our colleagues-to-be via social networks and our web pages.
    • A crucial source of information and comments allowing us to enhance our services is the feedback we get from questionnaires.
    • The most popular topics among potential employees and students include education and training, career growth, working environment and diversity.
    Means of communication
    Job fairs
    Big4 Day
    Social networks
    Web sites
    Feedback questionnaires
    Crucial topics
    Education and training
    Employee care
    Working environment
  • Former employees

    • We try to keep in touch with our former colleagues and to stay abreast on their career development once they embark on a different path.
    • On a regular basis, we prepare information materials and communicate with them via social networks and our website. We also meet them in person e.g. at regular alumni events.
    • Our former employees most often emphasise the following CSR topics: ethics, transparency and care for local communities.
    Means of communication
    Regular personal gatherings
    Web sites
    Social networks
    Crucial topics
    Local communities
  • Regulatory and administrative bodies, professional associations

    • We also periodically meet representatives of regulatory and administrative bodies and other professional associations and organise expert conferences and other events for them.
    • At these events the following topics are most frequently discussed: ethics and transparency, the quality of our services and risk management systems.
    Means of communication
    Regular meetings
    Expert conferences and other events
    Crucial topics
    Ethics and transparency
    Quality of services and risk management
  • The media and the general public

    • Through our corporate communication we have established an ongoing dialogue with the media, and other stakeholders.
    • We communicate with the media and leading Czech periodicals about our processes, services and visions, inform them about our results and respond to their queries.
    • We issue press releases, expert articles and commentaries and organise press conferences and personal meetings with media representatives.
    • The CSR topics most often covered are ethics and transparency, risk management and services quality, local communities.
    Means of communication
    Web sites
    Social networks
    Press releases, commentaries
    Press conferences
    Expert articles
    Personal gatherings
    Crucial topics
    Ecological footprint
    Ethics and transparency
    Quality of services and risk management
    Local communities
  • Non-profit organisations

    • We personally meet with non-profit organisation representatives through the organisation of professional and educational events.
    • In our discussions about sustainable entrepreneurship, non-profit representatives most frequently ask us about help for local communities, ethics and transparency.
    Means of communication
    Personal gatherings
    Feedback questionnaires
    Professional events
    Crucial topics
    Local communities
    Ethics and transparency
  • Suppliers

    • We meet regularly during business meetings.
    • Topics most discussed are ethics and transparency.
    Means of communication
    Business meetings
    Supplier screenings
    Crucial topics
    Ethics and transparency

After assessing the impact of our business on individual stakeholders and the effect these groups have on our business we identified the following priority stakeholders:

  1. clients
  2. employees and partners
  1. regulatory and professional organisations
  2. potential employees and students

Based on discussions with our priority stakeholders, we identified the following key topics that we intend to focus on as part of our sustainable business strategy and that we will continue to report on:

Our sustainability strategy

Our sustainability strategy for 2010-2015 consists of five key areas:

Etika a transparentnost

We act ethically and transparently

We focus on quality.

Quality is not an abstract concept but the result of methods, processes and integrity that we apply when providing services to our clients.

The character of our business helps to increase the transparency of the Czech business environment.

Péče o zaměstnance

We take care of our employees

We take care of our employees.

We take care of them by assisting them in their personal development and endeavouring to create an inspiring working environment also through activities focusing on sustainable development.


We help with what we do best

Our expertise and competence helps us contribute to the development of society.

We apply our professional knowledge and skills in helping non-profit organisations and social businesses make their operations more efficient to leave them with more space for their actual charitable activities.

Podnikáme zeleně

We do green business

The character of our business does not make us a significant polluter of the environment.

We nevertheless regularly monitor our carbon footprint and try to reduce it gradually.

We primarily focus on the following areas when trying to save resources: travels to clients and paper consumption.

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We lead by example

We abide by sustainability principles and share our sustainable business experience with other companies on the market.

We spread the CSR idea also among other entities on the market through professional platforms, conferences and seminars.

Do you think that we have chosen the topics that we deal with in regards to sustainability well?

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