I very much appreciated the comprehensive and well-structured presentation of the instructors. It really helped me to extend my knowledge of the topic and included several practical examples.
We help non-profit organisations function more effectively
A YEAR together – A STEP forward
This is our expert help flagship programme.
- In the first phase of the project, our employees offer representatives of non-profit organisations professional training focusing on audit, accounting, taxes, and internal processes under the heading of the KPMG Business Institute.
- Every year, over 100 non-profit representatives complete one or more of the nine different training programmes.
- In 2013, we trained a total of 119 non-profit sector representatives in six professional training programmes. Our employees devoted 99 hours of their time to the preparation and leading of educational courses for the non-profit sector.
- In 2014, we trained a total of 137 non-profit sector representatives in ten professional training programmes and our training programmes were newly also held in Moravia. Our employees devoted 199 hours of their time to the preparation and leading of educational courses for the non-profit sector. [ More ]
As an assistant 16 years ago, I was assigned to an audit engagement in one of the major Czech foundations. Over time, I have become a specialist in the audit and accounting of non-profit organisations and I often share my knowledge with my colleagues at KPMG. When I got the opportunity to train representatives of the non-profit sector as well, I did not want to miss it. I like helping other people in general and as for the development of the non-profit sector I am even happier to lend a hand as we are helping those who serve a good cause and who will appreciate our technical advice.
I could really see that the instructors knew the topic from their every-day work and that they had not just learnt it from a textbook. I also appreciated the practical examples.
- In the second phase of the project, our employees vote on the non-profit organisation with which we will enter into a year-long partnership, providing them with additional training, professional advice, volunteering, as well as financial support.
- In 2014, our employees selected Centrum pro dětský sluch Tamtam (Children’s hearing centre Tamtam) from the group of finalists of the A YEAR together – A STEP forward programme. Centrum pro dětský sluch Tamtam provides help and support on a partnership level to families of children with serious hearing impairments.