We lead by example

Pavel Závitkovský

Pavel Závitkovský

Partner responsible for CSR

„Since we have learnt through experience that responsible business is not only beneficial for the community but also for the responsible companies themselves, we try to spread the CSR idea also among other entities on the market.“

We inspire responsible business practice

  • In all areas of our enterprise we aim at sustainability.
  • Since we have learnt through experience that responsible business is not only beneficial for the community but also for the responsible companies themselves, we try to spread the CSR idea also among other entities on the market.

Darcovský summit

To be able to spread the CSR idea, we are members of a number of professional organisations:

Business for Society

Byznys pro společnost

We are members of the Business for Society, the largest professional platform focused on spreading the CSR principles and sustainable business in the Czech Republic. It is an association of socially responsible companies that are sensitive to their environs when doing business and whose management involves approaches respecting the needs of society, employees, customers and environmental frugality.

The Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development

Česká podnikatelská rada pro udržitelné podnikání

We are one of the founding members of the Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development, which aims to promote active involvement of the entrepreneurial sector in the sustainable development of Czech society.

American Chamber of Commerce

Americká obchodní komora

As members of the expert CSR Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce we participate in the development of corporate social responsibility in the Czech Republic.

Netherlands-Czech Chamber of Commerce

Nizozemsko-česká obchodní komora

Together with other companies in the Corporate Responsibility Club of the Netherlands-Czech Chamber of Commerce, we endeavour to emphasise the importance of CSR principles in business undertakings.

Sustainability awards for 2014

Second places in both the Responsible Reporting category and the Most Generous Donor category in the TOP Responsible Company competition in 2014.

Odpovědný reporting Nejštědřejší dárce

Sustainable Firm of the Year 2014 prize awarded to the global KPMG network of advisory firms by the International Accounting Bulletin as part of its IAB Awards.

Sustainable Firm of the Year 2014

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