CSR report
- In preparing this report, we drew on international methodology for reporting Sustainable Business GRI G4 - Core.
- We support the intention of GRI G4 to assist companies in preparing reports that will include what is in relation to the interests of stakeholders and impacts on business of these companies most important.
- In the future, we would like to take advantage of the experience acquired in drafting this report to make our future reports fully in line with GRI G4.
- This report was drafted by the CSR department in cooperation with the firm's management and the departments of People, Performance and Culture, Sustainability Services, Marketing and Communications, Quality and Risk Management, Internal Accounts, Controlling, Markets & Proposals and Knowledge Management. The CSR department consists of the Partner in charge of CSR, the CSR supervisor and the CSR assistant and is directly subordinated to the firm's management.
- We report on behalf of four independent legal entities for the 2014 calendar year: KPMG Česká republika, s.r.o., KPMG Česká republika Audit s.r.o., KPMG Advisory, s.r.o., and KPMG Legal, s.r.o. Some information relates to the 2013/1014 financial year because it was not available for the calendar year.
- This is the second annual report drafted in line with GRI G4 methodology. It is our intention to issue one CSR report annually.
Key aspects relating to GRI
Economic aspects | |
Economic performance | Aspect crucial outside of the firm |
EC1 – Direct economic value generated and distributed | |
Indirect economic impacts | Aspect crucial outside of the firm |
EC8 – Significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts |
Environmental aspects | |
Effluents and waste | Aspect crucial inside as well as outside of the firm |
EN23 – Total weight of waste by type and disposal method | |
Transport | Aspect crucial inside as well as outside of the firm |
EN30 – Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials for the organisation´s operations, and transporting members of the workforce |
Social aspects | |
Employment | Aspect crucial outside of the firm |
LA1 – Total number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender and region | |
LA2 – Benefits | |
Training and education | Aspect crucial inside as well as outside of the firm |
LA9 – Average number of hours spent on training per employee | |
LA10 – Development programmes | |
LA11 – The percentage of employees going through regular performance reviews | |
Diversity and equal opportunities | Aspect crucial inside the firm |
LA12 – Proportion of women at individual positions in the firm | |
Local communities | Aspect crucial inside as well as outside of the firm |
SO1 – The percentage of branches involved into community activities, measuring the impact of these activities, development programmes | |
Anti-corruption mechanisms | Aspect crucial inside as well as outside of the firm |
SO4 –Communication and training aimed at anti-corruption policies and processes |
General standard disclosures
Strategy and analysis
- G4-1 CEO’s statement
Organisational profile
- G4-3 Name of the organisation
- G4-4 Primary brands, products and services
- G4-5 The organisation´s headquarters
- G4-6 Regions of operations
- G4-7 Nature of ownership and legal form
- G4-8 The markets served
- G4-9 The scale of organisation
- G4-10 Number of employees
G4-11 The percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements
- Our employees are not covered by collective bargaining agreements.
- G4-12 Organisation´s supply chain
G4-13 Significant changes during the reporting period
- None
- G4-14 The precautionary approach
G4-15 Externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, initiatives
- We lead by example
- KPMG is a signatory of UN Global Compact on a global level
- G4-16 Memberships
Identified material aspects and boundaries
- G4-17 Legal entities included
- G4-18 The process of defining the report content and the aspect boundaries
- G4-19 The material aspects identified
- G4-20 The aspect boundary within the organisation
- G4-21 The aspect boundary outside the organisation
G4-22 The effect of any restatements of information provided in previous reports
- No redefinition took place
G4-23 Significant changes from the last report
- None
Stakeholder engagement
- G4-24 List of stakeholders
- G4-25 The basis of identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage
- G4-26 Organisation´s approach to stakeholder engagement
- G4-27 Key topics raised through stakeholder engagement
Report profile
- G4-28 Reporting period
G4-29 Date of most recent previous report
- June 2014
- G4-30 Reporting cycle
- G4-31 Contact
G4-32 GRI content index
About this report
G4-33 External assurance
- This report has not been assured yet.
- G4-34 The governance structure
Ethics and integrity
- G4-56 CSR team